
Do You Know The Answers?

May 22nd, 2015|Investing|

If not, you should plan to attend our Investor Jeopardy Class!  Here are the questions: Why am I under-performing the S&P? Why am I under-performing the "benchmarks?" Why am I in International Stocks? Why don't [...]

Where’s The Growth?

May 20th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Where's The Growth?  Lot's of folks are still talking about the U.S. stock market and economy.  Last year was a pretty good year for the U.S. large stocks.  What's missing from these conversations?   Check [...]

The Crash Is Never The Problem!

October 11th, 2014|Uncategorized|

That's right!  The crash is never the problem.  So what is?  Check out the video and you'll find out. We have the truth on how to deal with this market craziness we've been seeing lately. [...]

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